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New teachers, new role models

I interviewed two beautiful ladies, confident and proud while wearing their new heels and adjusting to the "HFS lifestyle" one step at a time.

So now let's have Ms. Hannah Angela Niño and Ms. Marian Vera Barcelo!

Me: So ladies, what was your favorite subject back when both of you were in your schooling period?

Ms. Niño: "I've always enjoyed and loved English which is ironic since I'm teaching Filipino."

Ms. Barcelo: "Social Studies. It is a very interesting matter to read and discuss about."

Me: What type of teacher do you think you are? The strict one? The joker one? Or the Motherly type?

Ms. Niño: "I have a colorful sense of humor and tend to joke around with my students, so i'm the Joker type."

Ms. Barcelo: "I am the motherly type and treat my students like my own children."

Me: That's tremendous! Now give me a trait that will surely make a student succeed in her life.

Ms. Niño: "I guarantee you'll be successful without a doubt when you are diligent in any area."

Ms. Barcelo: "All I ask for a student is to be patient. There should be no any circumstances that should stop a student from not striving hard."

Me: Now for this question, I'm sure the Familians would love to know your answer. If you were to teach another subject, what would it be?

Ms. Niño: "If I were to teach another subject it would be English. I was really confident and enjoyed that subject but that was sadly before."

Ms. Barcelo: "Social Studies, because I find teaching social issues and history to students, very relevant nowadays and it would be very fulfilling if I can be one of the teachers who would awaken the students' thoughts about our society."

Me: I wish you taught in that subject but anyways, from what school did you graduate?"

Ms. Niño: "I graduated from Philippine Normal University Manila."

Ms. Barcelo: "Polytechnic University of the Philippines."

Me: I'm sure your universities are proud of you two. Next, a very controversial question, is favoritism good or bad? Explain why.

Ms. Niño: "For me, favoritism is a huge no factor because you won't be able to teach other students fair and square."

Ms. Barcelo: "Bad because as a teacher, we should give equal learning opportunities to our students. Also, it's the teacher's duty to see potentials in each student we have; on not just one or few but for all."

Me: Thank you for your honest opinions, teachers. We're finally down to our last question. Out of all the schools you could have applied for, why did you choose Holy Family?

Ms. Niño: "My family is experiencing a financial problem and I really had to find a job ASAP. I've asked God for guidance and helping me find the right school to work as a teacher. Holy Family came up and luckily they were hiring new teachers. I grabbed that perfect opportunity and that is how I became a teacher in Holy Family."

Ms. Barcelo: "First of all, it is very convenient since it is near my house, and second of all, Holy Family is a well-known exclusive school."

Me: Well that's it! Thank you ladies for taking the time to participate in this short interview.




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