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Technology trouble

Our generation today consists of high-tech gadgets, not only for the sole purpose of entertainment but also for communication and much more.

I first received my phone when I was 10. At the time, I was not focused on my studies and my grades were failing me. With a phone in my hand, I could use it for my research, projects, and homework. After all, that was the reason why I was given a phone.

Indeed, gadgets were intended to make life easier. With just a swipe of your hand, the whole world is already revealed in one, simple screen. We can use it for communicating with other people, whether by text or call. Social media can be used for free, which is of course, what we want. And lastly, gadgets are also made for fun! Ranging from iPods to VRs, these various high-tech gadgets can be used for the sole purpose of entertainment. Yes, gadgets are a benefit to everyone. But what makes it bad?

As a child of the 21st century, I surely know why gadgets are sometimes being considered as a "distraction". When I received my phone, I hadn't used it for school, but instead used it for fun. This lead me to understand that if gadgets were used at the wrong time, it will be disadvantageous for us.

Firstly, it can ruin your health. Staying up late using the computer or phone will have consequences, as I have experienced it myself. My eyesight isn't already normal unlike before. I look tired every day and my eyebags grow bigger.

Second, it would affect your social skills. When I was a child, I was not exposed to gadgets, and often went outside to play. I had no problem communicating with people. But now, since I use Messenger to communicate, I haven’t developed my social skills. I have a hard time socializing, and it's rather easy for me to talk online than in real life. Talking to people in person is different from talking to them online. In person, you can really see what the person you're talking to really feels. Talking in person feels more realistic and true to life.

And lastly, it will definitely affect your studies. Of course, our parents constantly remind us to put our studies first. They want us to excel in school and to put distractions aside, but not everyone can do that. Students like me delve into the world of technology. They lose the opportunity to learn new things and new discoveries. Excessive use of gadgets may lead us to take much of our time and attention to the point where we forget everything else, including your studies.

With that being said, what could we do to avoid these things?

I’ll tell you what I do. I restrict myself from these gadgets during school days. I only use them if it is for school purposes. I become the master of my time, not letting gadgets control me. I do various activities such as drawing, playing instruments, and my favorite, reading. These are just things that I do aside from using high-tech gadgets. There are so many more out there, of which I cannot count.

Yes, technology helps us in many ways, but isn’t it humanity that makes it worse? If not for our addiction to gadgets, we would not have a problem with studies and with our health. That’s why, in order to lessen the use of it, change starts with you; it doesn’t start with your mother, your father, or whoever you know. This is a constant reminder of mine, and it helps me throughout my life. Therefore, all of us must lessen the use of gadgets, and focus more on our family, friends, and school.




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