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HS students experience music and blues evening

Last November 25th 2017, the Parent’s Council Central Executive Board (PCCEB) organized the annual Family Day for the students and their families, but this time with a twist. Instead of the event being held at day time, it was held during the night at the Familian Court with a variety of new activities.

The celebration, with the theme "Music and Blues", hosted by Chad Arrieta and Kylie Lunas, began at 5 PM wherein the first band invited, BOB, hyped the crowd with an energetic vibe, followed by the performances from Dotty Chan, One Fourth Apart, and MAY, in which Familians crowded in front of the stage to enthusiastically sing along to the songs and groove along to the music. In between the performances, a dance number by Claret Hataw, along with raffle draws, a contest for best dressed, and a sticker hunt for prizes, kept everyone entertained.

Food stalls lined at the lobby offered a variety of food choices. A photo booth was also installed for students and their families and friends to have their pictures taken. The program ended at 10 PM, and Familians, along with their families, went home, bringing with them memories to remember.




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