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HFS witnesses God’s love in CLF integration day

On November 29, 2017, the Holy Family School community celebrated their annual CLF Integration Day, with the theme “Be One with the Church in Witnessing God’s Love”.

The event started with a mass presided by Fr. Angelito Ancla, CMF. A short interpretative dance was presented before each level prepared for their respective activities for the day. The Grades 7 and 8 exhibited their skills in tableau as they graced the program with their colorful costumes. On the other hand, the Grade 9 and 10 students participated in the Bible Quiz Bee, while the Grade 11 students shared their creative presentation about the stories from the Bible to the kindergarten pupils.

In the afternoon, the Familians gathered at the covered court to welcome and witness the program prepared by the Lumads. A series of games were participated in by different batches before the facilitators of the Bible sharing activity led their group into small circles. As the sun sets, the students found a way to strengthen their bond with their fellow Familians over shared food and personal stories. It was truly a delightful day filled with the knowledge of God’s love.




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