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What is the fuel to your fire?

When you wake up everyday and do what you need to do, what drives you? Why do you exist? I remember a little girl finally coming to life, asking herself so many questions. Right that moment, she had filled her mind with two things— one is confusion and the latter, realizations. She asked and asked different people of distinct perceptions and beliefs. I remember that little girl asking her teacher the same question. Her teacher smiled and answered, “Why? You’re too young to ask that.” She stopped asking people after that very day. She got tired of asking people and getting no answers at all because of her age. Up until now, she continues asking but only herself. She asks herself every day, “Why do I exist?” That time, all she could think of is that her age should never be a reason to stop growing her mind and to stop learning— to stop asking questions that most people think only the older people can ask. To tell you, I used to be that little kid.

Our age should never be a hindrance for us to stop from growing and asking people questions that are intruding our minds every time we come to think of it. Our age should never be a requirement for people to answer our questions, it doesn’t matter if you’re already at the legal age or not, what matters is that what we could do after getting our questions answered. What matters is that how we would react upon knowing it and how we would take the action to shape our minds through it. After all, the important thing is not to stop questioning. Speak up and start to verbalize your thoughts.

Find your purpose, your why and the fuel to your fire. The fuel that will keep you fighting no matter how many times life knocks you down. Your why that will keep you going when everyone else thinks you are out for the count. Your purpose that will light you up in the darkest points of your life. Contrive reasons that will obviate every uncertainty and limitation that are coming your way. Make yourself certain and limitless. It doesn't matter if no one else believes in you, what matters is you believe in yourself. What truly matters is that you know in your own heart that you will make it in the end.

Aristotle once said, "The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing," You call it truth, but I call it opinion. You see, the only person that can reprobate us is ourselves. It is because our own selves are only the ones who truly know what is within us. The critics, haters, doubters and naysayers— they will all daunt and discourage us to reach our dreams because they never had the courage and will to reach for their own. They will dissuade us because they are aghast, threatened that if we become successful, they will be less significant. This is a small mind mentality that normally causes the havoc of numerous aspirers.

People will either inspire or dishearten us. Some of the mistakes we invested ourselves in making are trying to live up to these people's expectations and mistaking their opinions as the truth. But no, none of their opinions about us will truly define us. Truth is, it matters not the color of our skin, it matters not where we are born, it matters not the countless of mistakes and failures we have all made in the past, what matters is our will. What matters is our will to make a change. A change that will leave a great impact to other people's lives. A change that will leave a mark. A change that will make people look up to us and say, "S/he made it." A change that will serve as an inspiration to other people, something that will constantly remind and push them that they can make it too.

Failed tests, disappointments and all the countless failures we're accountable of—these are just the start of our comeback story. We should make a better meaning of it, make a vow to ourselves not to let the same thing happen again. We should not make our lives continuously wreathed with mediocrity. Mediocrity is a sign of lack of will. We should not let pain tear us down; we must force it to grow us. We must force it to strengthen our souls so that next time something challenging happens, it would be less afflictive. Then, as time flies, we'll realize that after all, the best part of every struggle that we encounter is that it's hard.

Pain is not our enemy but our friend. Perhaps not in the moment, but for the development of our souls as stronger human beings — pain is our friend. Strength couldn't be developed without resistance. We are given both pain and life because we are strong enough to handle it. We are strong enough to live through it. Our pain is a gift that the world falls in love with. Now, ask yourself. What is the fuel to your fire?




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