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Clubs culminating activities wrap up the school year

The students of Holy Family School of Q.C. celebrated its annual club culminating day last March 27, 2018, with a Sportsfest among the students from the Highschool Department, a volleyball match for Grades 7-9, and basketball for Grades 10-12.

The winners are as follows:


1st Place: Grade 12

2nd Place: Grade 10

3rd Place: Grade 11


1st Place: Grade 9

2nd Place: Grade 8

3rd Place: Grade 7

The Sportsfest was followed by Katha-Diwa, the annual Club Culminating Activity, incorporated with Paraluman, formerly known as Valor, which is a beauty pageant between the different club representatives. In between segments of the contest, different clubs of the high school department showcased their skills and talent with various performances.

Before the winners of Paraluman were announced, the outgoing Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers, known as SSG Siklab, passed down their responsibilities to the new batch of SSG officers, named as SSG Lumiere, at the SSG Turnover, with the hosts being Sharisse Molino and Agatha Boras, the Bearers of Light.

The different titles of Paraluman were then awarded: Diwata, the club with the best vertical garden; Tanyag, the representative with the most number of love reactions and likes on their pictures posted by SSG on Facebook and Instagram, respectively; Talisik, the representative with the most significant answer; Marilag, the contestant with the best catwalk; Sagisag, the title for the best club flag; and Paraluman, the representative that excelled in every category of the pageant. The winners are the following:

Paraluman 2018: Zoila Albaña of the Sports Club

Diwata 2018: Rachel Guevarra of the Math Circle

Tanyag 2018: Azil Palonpon of Synectics

Talisik 2018: Geraldine Pearl Santos of the Familian Ensemble

Marilag 2018: Maureen Llavore of the Familian Dance Society

Sagisag 2018: Azil Palonpon of Synectics




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