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Familians groove at NOMAD

The long-awaited event, “Night of Music and Dance”, better known as NOMAD, took place in the Familian Court on the night of March 27, 2018. Arranged by the Supreme Student Government (SSG), this year’s retro-themed event was called NOMAD VIII: Liyab.

At 5:30 PM, the gates were opened to welcome everyone, who all looked stunning in their retro outfits. The event commenced with a dynamic opening made by the hosts, two alumnae from batch 2018, also known as batch INFIN18E, Rinrin Rances and Charisse Arsolon.

The first band in the line-up who took the stage was Hey, Barbara!, whose music pulled everyone into the dance floor. Next, the second band, Urostyle, gave life to the party, filling the covered court with energy and liveliness. The third band in the line-up, SCAT, serenaded the crowd with their Jazz music which easily fit into the retro theme of NOMAD. Following the performance of SCAT, HFS’s very own dance crew, Ensayaw, delivered an emotional performance, as this was dedicated to the senior members of the dance crew, who were about to graduate. Meleena, the fourth performer in the line-up, showcased their wonderful R&B music with the singer’s unique and harmonious voice. Afterwards, dynamic performance by Claret’s dance crew, Hataw, blew away the audience as usual. Lastly, fifth in the line-up, the rock band Stonefree ended the event with a bang - a powerful rendition of “Ang Huling El Bimbo”.

SSG Siklab, who put together this year’s NOMAD, which has already become a part of HFS’s tradition for the past 8 years, fulfilled their promise to give us an unforgettable year-ender, which made the academic year much more special than it already was.




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