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Celebrating the month of the Rosary

The annual celebration for the month of the holy rosary was celebrated last October 23, 2018, which was the seventh year of St. Bonifacia’s canonization. The entire Familian Community gathered at the Familian Covered Court to celebrate the program as a way of conveying their full reverence to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

The program began with Eucharistic celebration led by priest presider, Fr. Nilo. In his homily, Fr. Nilo spoke about the importance of valuing the chances that are given to us. He quoted: “Sometimes, we are given a chance but we are getting distracted, so we miss our chance.” He explained that we must patiently wait in order to gain or to receive the blessing that is awaiting us. He also added: “If we are given a chance, don’t miss it. If we are given an opportunity, don’t waste it.” He shared that the gift of heaven is given to us every day because each and every day of our lives is another chance to live.

After the mass, a short break followed and thereafter, the highlight of the event took place at the Familian Covered Court where students settled themselves as the Living Rosary was opened by commentator, Abby Gayle Pandaan.

The first part of the program was a procession from the Grade 3 students, where they sang “Mariang Ina Ko” as they walked their way to the stage. The introduction speech was delivered by Acelle Ragos, quoting: “We commemorate the life or journey of Jesus by praying the rosary”, thereafter, selected students were also called to participate to the introduction through an interpretative dance.

Afterwards, the praying of the Living Rosary followed. Everyone joined the Apostle’s Creed followed by singing the “Our Father”. Participants from the Grade 8 presented an interpretative dance to the song: “Gentle Woman” to open the first mystery which was “The Agony in the Garden.”. The second mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar was led by the Gr. 11 students where the song “How Beautiful” sang by Kyrene Aguilar introduced the mystery and the prayer led by Mae Villanueva.

Thereafter, the 3rd sorrowful mystery, The Crowning of Thorns, was led by selected Grade 7 students by means of rendering the 7 crowns or the 7 virtues which counterbalanced the set of values that we should espouse and adopt. The commentator stated what happened on that mystery, quoting: “The 3rd Sorrowful Mystery is the Crowning with Thorns. The cruel Roman soldiers make a mockery of Jesus and crown Him with a painful crown made of thorns.”

The 4th sorrowful mystery was elaborated by the Grade 12 students. Subsequently, the commentator said that “The 4th sorrowful mystery is The Carrying of the Cross. Jesus carries His cross through the streets to the place where He will be crucified. “After the Grade 12 students, selected Grade 11 students were chosen to dance “How Beautiful” for the Familian Community to reflect on.

And lastly, the 5th sorrowful mystery is The Crucifixion, it is when Jesus is crucified and died for our sins. It was recited by the Faculty and Staff (FAS). Teachers read about the 7 deadly sins and stated its meaning. Ms. Allyss Dela Cruz led the last mystery alongside the FAS members. Lastly, offering of flowers and plants follows. The Familian Community sang “Humayo’t Sumayaw” as a closing remark and Mrs. Go expressed her gratitude to the community for the success of the celebration. And then the Familians went back to their designated classrooms after the program,

The rosary is important because it is the beginning of the Christian prayer: meditation on the diverse events in salvation antiquity and asking God how to apply them in our lives. It is significant because Our Blessed Lady, herself, came from heaven and asked us to amalgamate ourselves with her son through praying the rosary every day.




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