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A back-to-back win for the Familian Spikers

On the 7th of October, Holy Family Schools (HFS) High School volleyball team went head to head with the girls of Meridian International Learning Experience (MILE) at a 3-set match-up at the Familian Court where The Familian Spikers came out victorious. Winning with the scores; 25:7, 26:28, and 15:11.

It was a rough start for the home team, with Angkaw’s first service hitting the net, resulting in a point for the opposing team and the service rights go over to MILE’s Bicocho who also failed to send the ball to the Spikers.

Caraan was up to serve, putting 5 rallies into play. The first being saved by the server with a strong attack sent to the other team, the second rally was cut off by Arroyo’s setter dump sent by MILE’s Javier. The third rally sparked a team up, Arroyo sets the ball to Navarro who runs in for the attack, leaving the players of Meridian stunned. Arroyo goes in for another assist in the fourth rally, setting the ball to Respicio who jumps to spike it towards the other team, and a service ace to end before Meridian calls for a time-out. The score at 9:1.

With HFS still holding serving rights, Caraan steps back into the service area. Completely unfazed by the break in momentum, the server was able to lead 4 consecutive service aces at 14:1 before Meridian manages to send one back, only for it to be blocked by Navarro. With a last service ace, MILE’s Coach calls for another time-out at 16:1

MILE’s Alindao ends the bleeding by receiving the ball, sending it far back where Ablan couldn’t keep up. Closing in Caraan’s 18 consecutive successful services at 16:2.

Respicio serves the ball twice, initiating a rally that both ended with Angkaw going in for the Kill at 23:6. Unfortunately Respicio’s third service goes outside, giving MILE’s Alvestir serving rights. But Angkaw saves the ball at 24:7 allowing Ablan to send a service ace and end the set at 25:7.

As the teams switch court, Alindao starts the second set with a service error putting the score at 0:1. MILE continues to gain points until the score was up to 7:8, the Spikers being a point behind. Tense rallies between the two, neither wanting the other to score higher. MILE’s Bicocho serves consistently, putting 4 points higher than their opponent and forcing HFS to call a time-out, switching Famorcan with Reyes but to no avail, the score goes into 15:10 as HFS makes another switch. Pulling Angkaw back in the game alongside their their libero Salinda.

It was becoming increasingly harder for the Spikers to bring in points, yet they manage to meet MILE at 19:19 after Angkaw’s service ace and a time out was called by Coach Mel.

Angkaw continues her streak, sending 3 more service aces before MILE could send one back, ending the rally with 22:20.

The score was neck in neck with 23:24 on the scoreboard and Famorcan was up to serve. Regrettably, her service was not enough, giving the opponents a point and the two teams score was at a deuce, 24:24.

Alvestir of MILE’s service error leads to a 25:24 yet Navarro fails to send the back and the score was tied again at 25:25. MILE’s Javier sends the ball, initiating a longstanding rally where Navarro stepped into end the bleeding with an attack at 26:25. Tubon was up to serve yet she failed to send the ball and instead hits the net, giving Meridian another point at an even 26:26. The stakes were high, and the teams were on edge. It could be anyone’s game. Meridian’s Alindao was determined to take the set home, proving it by sending two service aces to the home team and ending the second set with a score of 26:28.

Angkaw starts off the last set with 2 service aces before opening a rally that caused them to lose serving rights at 2:1. De Ocampo serves and the spikers failed to receive for the first and second plays but Navarro swoops in for the attack, putting the score at 3 apiece.

Caraan steps up to the plate, sending 3 intimidating services that brought the team to 6:3 before Meridians coach calls for a time out. Yet as soon as Caraan steps back into the court, she sends another ball causing a rally that quickly got shut down by a spike from Navarro, following the earlier rally, another was in play with Arroyo ending it with another setter dump at 8:3.

As the teams switch courts, MILE regains momentum, swiftly catching up at 8:6 before Arroyo jumps to end the rally with a third setter dump at 9:6.

Navarro sends 2 service aces, the third serve starting a rally where MILE’s Bicocho breaks through Angkaw’s block at 14:8, earning her team a service. She starts off with a service ace before the spikers could send the ball back for the second serve. MILE’s Cruz receives the ball and brings it back to HFS where Navarro’s dive fails to keep the ball in the air, putting them at 14:11.

Nonetheless, Bicocho couldn’t send the ball to her opponents, her service hits the net and the point goes to the Familian Spikers, ending the third set at 15:11.




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