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A second loss for the Elementary Familian Spikers

On October 7, the cheers of supportive audiences were heard as they echoed throughout the afternoon in the covered court due to Elementary Girls Division for AAPS 2019. The junior league of the Familian Spikers has won their first set but lost their second and third set opposing to St. Mary’s College (SMC) with scores of 25-19, 25-22, and 15-13 respectively.

Holy Family School (HFS) Cachero commenced the first set by scoring the first point with service ace. A rally was caused between the two teams when the opponent players happen to receive the ball back to the home court after HFS successfully tallying four consecutive scores. The momentum broke when Tianco failed to receive the ball. The Familian Spikers pulled off 4-0 points with them leading.

SMC was able to receive the ball inducing a rally that ended immediately as a result of it touching the outside bounds. The same mistake made by the oppositional team occurred two times covered by the serving of Familian Spikers. Then, an alternative exchange of service error happened marking the points 15-8 with HFS dominating.

HFS Player Number 14, still Tolentino, serves the ball and opposing team failed to receive it. Rallies took place but ended shortly after receive error until HFS conducts the scoreboard to achieve 24-17 points. Unfortunately, SMC catches up by two more points when the error was made. The third service, however, made the ball went outside of the court. On that account, it is a victory to Holy Family School for winning the first set, 25-19. Holy Family School opened the second set with service ace. The next play ball happened to be an error. Scores have tied with 1-1. Similar actions were correspondingly made by St. Mary's College causing the points to match once again.

Five consecutive points are constructed under HFS Dela Cruz services. Four of which became rallies that ended by receive errors whilst one happened to be service ace. Scoreboard then reads 7-2, in favor of HFS.

SMC Elle Boenviaje hits three consecutive service aces before HFS changes their player from Tianco to Septh Ree. Boenviaje hits three consecutive service aces once again before her coach called timeout; 23-21 with SMC leading.

Going back into the game where it left off, Boenviaje served and receive error was the result of an abrupt rally. This gave an opportunity to HFS to recover their lost scores however a service error was carried out instead. In the end, SMC Sofia Gomez scored the winning point with two successive service ace and so concluding the second set, 25-22.

HFS Cachero commenced the third set with a service ace as it happened thrice more. It would have been four in-a-row if it was not for the adversary team to favorably receive the ball. The Familian Spikers failed to deliver the ball to the other side of the court therefore establishing the points 4-1, leaning towards HFS.

With HFS Navarro serving, there was a rally before her team unsuccessfully receiving the ball. Point to SMC, balancing out the previous score to 8-8. After several failures to pass the ball beyond the net and to keep it within the bounds, HFS Coach Mel gestured for timeout. The score is 12-9 with HFS exceeding their opponent.

HFS Cachero served the ball and, with the odds in her favor, the SMC lineup ineffectively receiving it. This continues until the homecourt made a receive error and reached the score of 14-13, SMC on the lead.

SMC Amigable made a service ace thus conquering the third set and the whole game as they attain the score of 15-13.




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