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The Familian Spikers kick off the AAPS 2019 tournament with their first win

The Familian Spikers showed raw athleticism after winning their opening match against the Immaculate Conception Cathedral School (ICCS) on October 4, Friday, with the score of 25:8 and 25:11 for the High School Girls Division of AAPS 2019, held at the Familian Court.

Angkaw wasted no time, scoring the first point for HFS with a service ace. The Spikers caught momentum, Navarro leading the team with 2 attacks and 2 blocks before ICCS’ Encapas serves, triggering a rally between the two teams, Angkaw ends the rally and HFS pulls in a consecutive 6 points with ease at 6:2.

It was high time for Navarro to serve, the first caused a rally which was ended with one swift attack from the spiker, the next two serves were received by the players of ICCS but to no avail, they couldn’t keep up with the teamwork showcased by the home team. The score running at 11:5 before a time out was called.

After the time out, Navarro continues the game by sending a service ace to the opposing team, followed by another successful send that initiated a longstanding rally yet Respicio was able to close in and win a point at 13:5.

The score leads to 16:8 and Ablan was up to serve, sending a service ace and giving the point to HFS. Ablan serves again, easily received by ICCS’s Arellano who took no time to send the ball back only for it to be countered by Arroyo’s impressive setter dump. Ablan scores with another ace, the Spikers leading with 19:8 before ICCS calls for a time out to break the momentum.

Angkaw pushes through with an attack following another one of Ablan’s services scoring 22:8, HFS leading by a landslide.

San Jose comes in to serve for the first time this set and takes home three points, ending the set with twin aces at 25:8. Leaving the opponents wounded by the 17-point gap.

ICCS’ Ramos starts off the second set with a service error, allowing HFS’ Angkaw to serve three times and take in a score of 3:1. Caraan stepped into the service line, sending 4 plays and gaining 3 points from that at 7:4

At 15:4, San Jose was up to serve, the setter sends the ball towards the opposing team. The players of ICCS manage to send the ball back to the Spikers, but San Jose runs in for the assist, setting the ball to Arroyo who successfully spiked it to the other side gaining them yet another point at 16:4

The match was concluded with ICCS’ Ramos’ service error, at 25:11. Coincidentally the same way the 2nd set started.




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