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The Familian Spikers overpower CIIT’s first volleyball team

The secondary level girls’ volleyball team of the Cosmopoint International Institute of Technology (CIIT) was no match for the seasoned Familian Spikers, as they walked away victorious with the scores of 25:8 and 25:11 on October 8, 2019 at the familian court.

Catalan wasted no time, sending a service ace to the opposing team and giving HFS the first point. CIIT was able to send the ball back and earn a point as well, after Nebres spiked the ball outside court bounds. The score at 1 apiece

San Jose brought in 4 points with 3 service aces and the second service resulting to a receive error by CIIT’s Cabalinan before hitting the net upon her fifth service, setting the score at 6:2. Reyes sends 4 strong service aces, causing CIIT to call for a time out. Reyes continues by sending another service ace before falling short with a failed service at 15:6.

Though being given service rights, CIIT was not able to serve the ball back to their opponents, allowing Tubon to send 4 successful services, the second sparking a rally where Catalan brought in a point with a swift spike to the opposite court before committing an error at 20:7.

CIIT’s Cruz barely sends the ball, allowing a rally to take place. Yet it ends as quick as it started with the Spikers sending the ball back only for CIIT’s Javier to send the ball outside, putting them their team at a loss with 24:8 on the board.

San Jose steps into the service, delivering a quick ace to end the set at 25:5.

The two teams reconvene after switching courts, CIIT’s Cruz takes the ball and initiates a rally at the start of the second set, ending shortly after the spikers committed an error. CIIT wins the first point at 0:1. Yet the Familian Spikers took back their point after Arroyo dumps the ball, making the other team scramble towards it only to fail as the ball hit the ground at 1:1.

Angkaw takes the ball at 6:4 and sends 5 service aces before committing a service error, pulling the Spikers’ up to lead with 10:5 on the scoreboard.

Caraan stepped up to the service line and delivers an ace before sending the ball to CIIT, the rally sparked a team up between Arroyo who came with an assist, allowing Angkaw to attack and take in yet another point at 17:9. Caraan continued to send 4 more successful services, forcing CIIT to call for a time out.

The time out did not rattle the Spiker at the least as she continued to send 3 more successful services before committing a service error at 23:11

Even though CIIT was able to send the ball to the spikers, another tag-team by Arroyo and Angkaw quickly shut them down followed by Arroyo’s service ace that ended the match with the scores of 25:11. With CIIT failing to measure up to the Familian Spikers’ athletic prowess.




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